PACC Meeting in Your Community

We have been moving the PACC meeting locations around as of late to allow opportunities for different communities to attend - especially those who have a tough time getting away.

If you'd like to host a PACC meeting in your community (hall) please let us know!

Next in BRAY CIRCLE - community hall 191 Bray ( N of Leslie St & Davis Dr behind No Frills) at 1PM - 2:30PM.if u need a ride let us know! Monday Nov 15 - Road Trip to Toronto - Put Food in the Budget Campaign's Rally - Ontario-wide " Do The Mathers"( see attached) day out and see the "Green Barns" in Toronto a place they grow food indoors and community food access awareness campaigns..RIDES are available but we must know who's coming!

Last call for PACCer for becoming non-profit Operation Sparrow Board member...I will be stepping down and we want someone who can relate to these families situations on the board as the current board( meets once per month) as it sits, lacks that crucial element to continue to operate with full dignity and respect or families..Let me know..

Tom Pearson

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