October 17 Event Newmarket Riverwalk Commons

As you may be aware, October 17 is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The internationally marked and United Nations acclaimed day features gatherings world-wide to draw attention to poverty and advocate on behalf.

Special Newmarket Ontario PACC Event

Speakers - Performers - Politicians - Poets - Free Food

For the past 8 years a public event has been held in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada featuring guest speakers, information booths, music / art related to poverty, and most important a microphone for speaking about poverty related issues – particularly those directly affected. In 2012 the location will be shifting north of Fairy Lake to the new Riverwalk Commons, which has both an outdoor stage/area and indoor hall. Traditionally it includes serving up a free meal and hot soup to attendees / passersby.

P.A.C.C., which also acts as the York Region Make Poverty History chapter, has hosted this event in the past along with community partners providing assistance through donations of food service, food, materials, cash donations, or payment through hosting a booth ($100 single - $175 double) at the event. PACC receives no government funding and relies on donations and cooperative partners to ensure this event is held. For 2012 we’d like to see more participation from community groups related to poverty - as the event is a vital tool for advocacy.

This year we hope to attract some additional speakers and booths to help generate fodder for discussion, and to attract and engage politicians through forums including low income home-owner developer presenters and movie / media presentations.

Past participants have included The York Region Food Network, Alliance to end Homelessness, Blue Door Shelters, Canadian Mental Health Y.R., Legal Clinic of York Region, Operation Sparrow, Krasman Centre, Ninos Kom Tin, Talk-2-One messaging systems, Housing Help Centre YR, various churches, performers, poets, politicians, and others.

Should this interest your organization to participate or join our organizing committee, please let us know. You can view more on Oct 17 past years’ highlights via www.povertyacc.com/getinvolved.

Tom Pearson – povertyacc@gmail.com – 289-221-0928
Chairman, Poverty Action for Change Coalition

1 Response to "October 17 Event Newmarket Riverwalk Commons"

  1. Unknown March 11, 2013 at 3:51 PM
    It's pretty sad that nod everyone can afford york region homes. As soon as they can find a good job and get out of poverty, though, maybe they could get a home. Thanks for sharing!

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