PACC's Road Hockey Program Bonds Multicultural Kids

Location for July 1st P.A.C.C. BBQ fundraiser
Hi people!...! On July 1st Myers Costumes on (237) Main S is holding an open stage for entertainment and youth Art Mural contest and have allowed P.A.C.C. to sell BBQ stuff and drinks from their MAIN ST location Canada Day. The elderly owner has been repeatedly tagged with Graffiti and the hope is a beautiful mural will end that as the town makes her remove it at her expense, and lets just say costumes are mostly seasonal.

Wall has been whited over most of the graffiti ready for youth Artists Canada Day!
Funds raised can go towards our International Day for the Eradication of Poverty which will hopefully be held this year at Newmarket new Riverwalk Commons location off Main St and cost us more.We hope to attract a number of related organizations this year to help defer the costs and we'll iron an invitation and letter out as such in the next meeting.

We're looking for volunteers to take 2 hour shifts - perhaps people planning to go to Canada Day celebrations already - to help pull this July 1st fundraiser off. Anyone who can supply anything needed also let us know!
A symposium hosted by Regional Councilor John Taylor was held last night that used the very nonprofit company (Options for Homes) as one of the presenters of affordable housing options (ownership) that we'd proposed as an option long ago, but were ignored. We got no invite from Taylor to this as I only heard about it when the Era banner called for an opinion. What's up with that? Didn't we produce Y.R.'s social audit and list that as an idea for more affordable housing? Just saying.

Last meeting we more or less got updated on the road hockey event and the like and discussed some of the various action oriented things we're involved in such as 2012 Quest for Youth with the YRDSB among others, and for which a luncheon is being held to discuss further a Nov event that this year focuses on youth and mental health issues.If you'd like to attend and participate let us know! Last year's Quest event included a stage production and ideas are at discussion stage so input is still essential!

Speaking of road hockey, we may have to add another age category! Recently I organized a neighbourhood clean up afterwards a road hockey game broke out! More and more our "barrel" of fun is catching on with an honour system that all kids are to return the equipment. Here's a sneak peek at what our road hockey program can do. The little girl in the video showed up one day and kind of stood between the play in the way. I asked if she wanted to play but she turned away. I learned she - nor her older brother - spoke English.
The next time she showed up she showed up with a branch from a tree, holding it like the hockey players were, well sort of, ha and I replaced it with a real one while showing her how to hold it properly! This program uses the tools available to keep kids safe and close-by and integrates kids from various backgrounds as equals and who have no other playground area to speak of after toddler age. Enjoy.

Unrelated directly - but perhaps indirectly for those interested to get out and meet someone, friends, or take a mental health break!.. ha I am hosting a live entertainment event called American Bandstand Night tomorrow night in Newmarket and singles or couples are welcome!

Tom Pearson

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