The Pledge

Sign online the declaration Striving Together to End Poverty

STAND UP “Pledge”

"We are standing now with millions around the world on this day to show our commitment to the fight against extreme poverty and inequality.

We are standing because we refuse to accept more excuses in a world where 50,00 people die every day as a result of extreme poverty and the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider.

We are standing because we want our leaders to honour their promises to meet the Millennium Development Goals - and we ask them to exceed these goals.

We join in solidarity with people from hundreds of countries to say:

To the leaders of the wealthy countries - we urge you to keep your promises on poverty - debt cancellation, more and better aid, trade justice and gender equality.

To the leaders of the poorer countries - make it your responsibility to save the lives of your poorest citizens. We ask you to tackle inequality, to be accountable to your people, to govern fairly and justly, to fight corruption and to fulfill human rights.

Today, and everyday, we will STAND UP and TAKE ACTION against poverty.

We will continue the fight against poverty and inequality and to hold our leaders to their promises.

We are asking not for charity but justice. We are millions of voices standing in solidarity to say no more excuses - end poverty now."

Father Joseph Wresinski, founder of Oct 17 and who had known poverty first hand said: "Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty.."(engraved on the Trocadero Plaza of Human Rights in Paris, France, on October 17, 1987) –

By acting you show you make part of this growing social movement to overcome persistent poverty that brings together human rights defenders from all countries.

Oct 17 2007- "Good afternoon everyone. My name is Donna. I was born and raised in York Region. I am a single parent living in poverty and in poor health. In May 2002 I became a victim to the dental health system. I was hospitalized in critical condition after my then dentist stitched me up halfway through a root canal surgery, after not being satisfied that ODSP, the Ontario disabilities support program, would cover the cost.

On November 2002 I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Due to the stressful conditions and surroundings where we were living, my health worsened. My health has never been the same since, and to make things worse where I was living become intolerable from a few bad seeds that plagued the neighbourhood with crime and drugs. After my life was threatened, Housing advised us to stay indoors. My youngest son stopped delivering the newspaper. We have moved, but it is very hard to find anything affordable. Where we are living it takes all my ODSP to pay the rent and utilities leaving us with nothing left except peace of mind we are safe. I don’t know how we’ll survive. I’m trying to find suitable work that i could do part time in order to make it. I don’t know if my health will hold up but I have no choice.

One of my sons has now forgone plans to attend university because he fears for my well being. This isn’t right. The government forces us to live in such a chaotic state - hungry or worried about a roof. I have experienced over and over the stigma attached to living in poverty. People should walk in someone else’s shoes before they condemn them.

In closing, would like to thank PACC for being a comfort and a help to me. They have been the only ones who truly seem to fight for our rights without having an ulterior motive - and act on what they say as well instead of just talk. I would like to see an end to poverty and hope to work along with PACC to help accomplish this. I'm working for others to come through what I have been through. I'm a survivor and I'm not finished yet. I am determined and I hope you will all join me in the fight. My kids, all kids, have the right to live without the stress and stigma of poverty. At least give them a fighting chance, because right now we’re all drowning."

Thus far Donna has received little help from any of our politicians or social services to find her safe, affordable housing. Herself and her kids have had to move into mold infested lodgings and are now seriously ill.

Here are the names and addresses of the seven MPPs who represent York Region.Let them know how you feel!

Julia Munro (York-Simcoe)
18977 Leslie Street, PO Box 1129
Sharon ON L0G 1V0
phone 905-478-2572
or 1-866-206-1373
fax 905-478-8470

Frank Klees (Newmarket-Aurora)
14845 Yonge Street, Suite 201
Aurora ON L4G 6H8
phone 905-750-0019
or 1-800-211-1881
fax 905-707-3161

Reza Moridi (Richmond Hill)
9891 Yonge Street
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1V1
phone 905-884-8080
fax 905-884-1040

Peter Shurman (Thornhill)
7368 Yonge Street, Unit 203
Thornhill, ON L4J 8H9
phone 905-731-8462
fax 905-731-2984

Greg Sorbara (Vaughan)
140 Woodbridge Avenue, Unit AU8
Woodbridge, ON L4L 4K9
phone 905-851-0440
fax 905-851-0210

Helena Jaczek (Oak Ridges-Markham)
135 Main St. North, Suite 201
Markham, ON L3P 1Y2
phone 905-294-4931
fax 905-294-0014

Hon. Michael Chan (Markham-Unionville)
450 Alden Road Unit 5
Markham ON L3R 5H4
phone 905-305-1935
fax 905-305-1938

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