Make Poverty History
Posting: My passion for giving to others less fortunate hit me like a tonne of bricks just a couple years back. There was a show played on Much More Music called The Fabulous Life of….and it would talk about a particular celebrity and describe all their riches; the size of their home was fit for 5 families, they had at least 3 vehicles and never mind the countless designer clothes and accessories. It hit me that all these people, whether they are movie stars, singers or professional athletes had so much useless stuff while so many people in our world have absolutely nothing. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure I have many things that are not necessary to my survival and plenty of my own little luxuries that are completely unnecessary but to think of the millions and millions of dollars that these celebrities have while so many had nothing my brain just couldn’t unwrap itself from the idea that with all the money in the world not one person should ever have nothing to eat or no clothes on their backs or even a house to live in. I wanted so much to do something to turn this around and though I know I can not change any of this with just a wish or a prayer I knew I could start somewhere….but where? Being a student I, myself, barley had enough money to pay my bills and didn’t know where to begin to even make a difference for someone else when I could barely get by for myself. I had no means, I felt, to do anything so unfortunately it remained a dream for the next couple years.
Triggered by a reality show where one of the contestants had a clothing line that donated a portion of its proceeds to a charity my passion quickly reignited. I am now a Registered Massage Therapist with my own business and although I am still working to build my business I definitely have more than before and I have a means to do something. If some semi celebrity can do something to make a difference then so can I and so began my research on which charity to donate to.
Remembering Make Poverty History as a charity I chose to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of a t-shirt I purchased a couple years back I decided to look it up and become amazed by the similarities of what the charity stood for and what my passions are for the world. Debt cancellation really struck a chord with me as well as transparency. I knew this was the charity for me. So began my work. I discussed with my fellow therapists my ideas and gathered those who would like to participate in my event. I decided to choose one particular day where we would donate a portion of our earnings from treating our clients. In order to raise further funds someone suggested a silent auction so my brain started working, I got on the phone and internet to look for retailers who were willing to donate things to our event. With all items donated and a bunch of practitioners on board we were ready to go. We had our silent auction items out for 2 weeks prior to the day itself and slowly I saw the bids accumulating. Everyday as soon as I got to the clinic I would check the bids and they kept getting higher and higher, I was so excited!!!!
On September 6 2008 we had our event day, although the clinic was only mildly busy we were still able to gather together enough from the practitioners and silent auction items to raise a total of $1123.00, not bad for my first time putting together a charity event, if I do say so myself, but not nearly enough for my liking!! So, now my mind is already working for what can be done next year and I know the magnitude of next year’s event will squash that of this years seeing as now I have a year to plan rather than the measly month and a half that I had for this event.
Marina Battaglia RMT
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