Can Minister Lives on $572 a Month
Following excerpt from the House asked in reference to getting the Minister of Social Services if she could survive on welfare's rate of $572.
Ontario Instant Hansard October 8, 2009
Mr. Michael Prue: My question is to the Minister of Community and Social Services. Can the minister live on $572 a month?
Hon. Madeleine Meilleur: I think that’s a very important question. That’s why this government, since we have been in power, has increased social assistance. This November and December, it will be 11% in total. We have done a lot to improve the quality of life of people.
Moreover, we have the Ontario child benefit that we’re supposed to get up to $1,100 by 2013. We have the Ontario child benefit that we’re supposed to get to $1,100 by 2013, and we have advanced this investment this year so they are receiving $1,100.
Is there more to do? Yes, there is, and this government, as long as there are people in poverty, we will continue to invest to make sure that we improve their quality of life.
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Supplementary.
Mr. Michael Prue: The minister, of course, didn’t answer the question because of course she knows she can’t live on $572 a month. She’s never even in her life had to try to do it. The fact is, she can’t live on $572 a month, but she expects 137,000 Ontarians to do exactly that. The $572 a month is 40% less than a single person received in 1994 and half of what the new stop food centre survey says a single person needs to survive. Toronto’s medical officer of health says inadequate social assistance rates are making people sick.
On the eve of Thanksgiving, will this minister stop punishing social assistance recipients with poverty and sickness, and increase Ontario and ODSP rates by $100 a month so that they can eat properly?
Hon. Madeleine Meilleur: I appreciate the comments presented by my friend on the other side, but this government is very proud of what we have done, not only on the poverty side, which has a great impact on those in poverty. For instance, the Minister of Housing has increased support for housing; we’re creating more, because we know that the number one problem that people in poverty have is to find affordable housing. So my colleague has invested $1.2 billion to help build affordable housing.
My colleague in the education sector has improved the school breakfast program and all types of supports within the school system which will help those in need.
As I said, we need to do more for those in need and that is what this government—
The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Thank you. New question.
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