Square Table on Poverty
Announcement letter sent to all parties participating in 2008 Square-table on poverty in York Region:
Dear Friend,
Congratulations on your participation in the Square-table on poverty which will hold the first meeting at Magna Centre Newmarket, Multi Purpose room # 1 Feb 20 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. We believe this forum is the first ever focusing on poverty in the region, and thus you are all a part of making poverty history. It takes leaders willing to sometimes think outside the box to make effective change and by committing to this forum you are doing just that - and serving your communities and constituents well by working towards solutions that will benefit all people in the end.
As discussed this non-partisan “square-table” will focus on finding solutions and actions that can eliminate or reduce poverty, especially in northern York Region. Consensus seems to be that the square-table would meet “quarterly” and would make periodic announcements where applicable.
In order that this forum be most effective it is suggested that the first meeting be to set the structure of the forum; including procedures – such as how we will receive information, deciding who if anyone else could also sit on the panel, perhaps forming a working constitution, setting goals, defining poverty, and breaking it down into segments as we move forward– employment, income, education, housing, other.
Although non-partisan - we understand that each individual may be representing differing parties and positions which is great, however everyone must be open to receiving others’ ideas and information in order that this work - and be open to discussing and making suggestions within one’s own party and constituents to further the group’s goals.
Each representative should be able to have input into the structure, and in subsequent meetings, be able to bring to the table any information and ideas they feel is pertinent so long as it is focused on reducing the affects of poverty - whether it be private, agency, government, educational, first hand experiences or other means – including that derived from campaign 2000 which has the added strength of economists information.
At this time our group consists of York Region representatives and experienced politicians from most levels of government including; PACC, M.P. Belinda Stronach, M.P.P. Frank Klees, Regional Councilor John Taylor, Mayor of Georgina Rob Grossi, and former mayor of Aurora and M.P. candidate Tim Jones. The group may decide to add more personnel after the initial meet.
I look forward to seeing you all!
Tom Pearson
Chair, Poverty Action for Change Coalition (PACC)
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