Poverty Action Coalition for Change News
New PACCer issue- Low paid job workers abuse / discrimination – PACCer raised an issue regarding discrimination related to low income service work. Being abused verbally by customers continually should not be a daily occurrence. We’ve sent out her letter (minus names etc) to see what can be done.
Action: Low income identified community/police relations – Bray community / Lois brown / we’re looking to put on some kind of community building forum to change police attitudes towards low income residents. Ideas are welcome for this… the MP says she’d like to participate. She’d arrange the police to participate.
Grants / funds for PACC below link? Discuss…
…and other stuff…
Looking for someone wanting to appear on TV - Gold hawk Live – RE: full day kindergarten – someone not for it being mandatory preferably…let me know!
Offer for daycare – Mary – 1-3 hrs per week – anyone in Georgina wishing to have daycare 1-3 hours per week let me know. A member , also been a catholic church social worker, available.
Also Free counseling is available in Georgina 1-800-263-2075 ex 241
The OAFBs Cost of Poverty report is at http://www.oafb.ca/assets/pdfs/CostofPoverty.pdf
Join Senator Art Eggleton as he discusses In from the Margins: A Call to Action on Poverty, Housing and Homelessness,
The Sick and Tired report is at http://socialplanningtoronto.org/reports/sick-and-tired-report-released/
Are you aware of the RDSP for anyone with any kind of disability (ODSP ers)? Pays out 600x at the end of a 10 year plan apparently…$25 paid in over 25 years would net you over $50,000…just sayin!
TP out!
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