Youth Road Hockey Tournament 2011

Game on!...Our Youth Road hockey event was okayed for Main St for Sat March 19 2011..!Last day of March break!

We must now get the word out to the youths to form teams!..and nominate the organizer for the mike Thornhill Award..

..and the mayor councilors for the " mayor/ council challenge

..and mom and dads to play in the pick up game against the kids!

..and anyone wanting to just play a pick up game

..and to any Entertainers who wish to perform at a "cafe" restaurant, or street location..for the event / cause!

I'll take care of sponsors ( we have a few already),event grant proposal, permits,ad sales, for the program, mayor contact etc...unless someone has someone in mind then let me know by all means!..

Organizing Meeting this Friday - Mulock Village community hall ( Maciver) 12:30 - 1:30 pm.If u can't make it but want to get involved us know.

Volunteers or youth team entries contact Kristine Carbis 905- 895

Tom Pearson

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