PACC York Region Anti-Poverty Advocates
This should be what you have for PACC's info - its on the home page now -
"Making York Region The Best Place to Raise all Families"
A grassroots community group which began as a coupling of the "Pay the Rent & Feed the Kids Program" and the "Ontario Disabilities Support Program Action Coalition" (York Region Chapter). Most PACC members and supporters have lived experience with low income issues. PACCers are anti-poverty advocates based in York Region Ontario, Canada, whose members work cooperatively within the community and sectors, to educate, find solutions, and seek to minimize (the effects of) poverty amongst our most vulnerable.
PACC's mandate is, "To raise community awareness of poverty and the income security issues facing marginalized York Region residents through research, public education, and initiatives that effect change".
PACC has become the voice of those on low income supports in York Region and welcomes anyone with a passion to make a difference. Paccers get involved through numerous related and self imposed initiatives driven by the issues brought forth directly - from those living on the margins.
Most recently, in 2010, PACC acted as host group for ISARC's YR social audit which PACC successfully lobbied to get for the 1st time in YR history. In early 2011 YR Council endorsed in principle the themes and recommendations of the resulting YR report - ' Behind The Masks - testimonials from those marginalized by income".
Other key PACC to YR initiatives include:
Oct 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty link
PACC is also an acting "Make Poverty History" Chapter for York Region and you may see our web page at
Link to the Friendly Neighbourhood Youth Road-hockey Challenge
Do The Math! - Ontario - wide action -
Operation Sparrow link - kids programs
PACC has generated and provided source information for numerous media stories from national to local coverage providing local residents and shelters / support groups unmatched free publicity. Some news articles have won awards.
PACC has created its own media and " Channel" on youtube - povertyacc - with breathtakingly informative and informative self produced docu-style video media with hits now reaching into the thousands in a few short months.
Join us today. We don't talk a good game - we are one!
Tom Pearson
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Thank you for caring about York Region's most vulnerable residents.