Painting House of Hope
Our next meeting to organize for the Road hockey event will be Wed Feb 23 at 1:00pm at Cafe Hesed which is on Main st S near water st East side. We will be needing to look at organizing the various areas - registration, scorekeeper, runners, info desk, set up, techies, refs, etc. I will need any info , logos, possible sponsors, cheques, etc at that time as our brochure and poster spots are filling up very fast.
Good news is I've created a relationship with some Main Street businesses and events (music etc) are to happen at the same time as the road hockey inside cafes on the street and Brad Jones Karate to do a tour / demo as well.
The Toronto Sun gave us some pre-event publicity calling our event a great idea and even mentioning the date / location.
2011 Pre-Event Write-up Toronto Sun
Geez, we've done alright for one week and no$ budget yet.
Tom Pearson
For Immediate Release Monday Feb 21 2011
For Editorial
Location: Main St South Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Date: March 19 2011 - Time: 10:30 am - 4pm - Media Contact 289-221-0928
Town Declares Main St - Open for Business for Families in Winter!
While some municipalities have tried to ban road - hockey, the town of Newmarket is doing the opposite - by embracing it right onto Main Street and making Newmarket the most road-hockey and family friendly town in Canada!
The 7th Annual Friendly Neighbourhood Youth Road hockey Challenge will take to the street Saturday March 19 from 10:30 am until 4:00pm with a fun youth tourney, "pick-up games, challenges, musical entertainment and finals comedy play-by play with "Grapes Fisher". Registered youth teams can be any gender with free entry for players and spectators.
Participating businesses will also feature in-store specials, demos, tours, entertainment, and dish out free hot chocolate and hot food to tourney players!
Hey You(th)!
Form a road hockey team and you could win a $1,000 Education award!
Challenge a team to play / form to increase your chances as it goes to a pro-active community and schoolyard who forms the team! Neighbourhood, church, company, school, club, mixed gendered teams welcome.
The Mike Thornhill Memorial Friendship Award in memory of a Newmarket's Mulock Village youth killed by violence outside a donut shop. This years award is partially sponsored by Newmarket Lions Club North. Other tournament sponsors thus far include Road House & Rose Funeral Home, DMC Decorating, Wildflower Cafe, Brad Jones Karate and P.A.C.C..
Saturday March 19 2011
The Friendly Neighbourhood Youth Road hockey Challenge 2011
Join us for Friendly competitive road hockey, entertainment on the street and in the cafes, comedy play-by-play, in-store specials, karate demonstration by Brad Jones and more! Spectators and shoppers welcome!
Youth tourney - 12 - 18 yrs as of Dec 31 2010 - registration - 9:30 - 10:30 or call to ensure a spot.
Games start 10:30 sharp with singing of O Canada!
All ages pick up game - no reserve
New! Parents vs reserve
Skills Competition and Mayor / Council Challenge!...Score one on the Mayor!?
Live comedy play - by Play with "Grapes Fisher" by TP Entertainment
No charge to play...Cars!
Opening face-off party Fri night prior...adults! 7-10 PM Main St location TBA
To register a team, sponsor, or volunteer, call Kristine at 905-895-3126 or email or visit
Tom Pearson
Event Organizer
This should be what you have for PACC's info - its on the home page now -
"Making York Region The Best Place to Raise all Families"
A grassroots community group which began as a coupling of the "Pay the Rent & Feed the Kids Program" and the "Ontario Disabilities Support Program Action Coalition" (York Region Chapter). Most PACC members and supporters have lived experience with low income issues. PACCers are anti-poverty advocates based in York Region Ontario, Canada, whose members work cooperatively within the community and sectors, to educate, find solutions, and seek to minimize (the effects of) poverty amongst our most vulnerable.
PACC's mandate is, "To raise community awareness of poverty and the income security issues facing marginalized York Region residents through research, public education, and initiatives that effect change".
PACC has become the voice of those on low income supports in York Region and welcomes anyone with a passion to make a difference. Paccers get involved through numerous related and self imposed initiatives driven by the issues brought forth directly - from those living on the margins.
Most recently, in 2010, PACC acted as host group for ISARC's YR social audit which PACC successfully lobbied to get for the 1st time in YR history. In early 2011 YR Council endorsed in principle the themes and recommendations of the resulting YR report - ' Behind The Masks - testimonials from those marginalized by income".
Other key PACC to YR initiatives include:
Oct 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty link
PACC is also an acting "Make Poverty History" Chapter for York Region and you may see our web page at
Link to the Friendly Neighbourhood Youth Road-hockey Challenge
Do The Math! - Ontario - wide action -
Operation Sparrow link - kids programs
PACC has generated and provided source information for numerous media stories from national to local coverage providing local residents and shelters / support groups unmatched free publicity. Some news articles have won awards.
PACC has created its own media and " Channel" on youtube - povertyacc - with breathtakingly informative and informative self produced docu-style video media with hits now reaching into the thousands in a few short months.
Join us today. We don't talk a good game - we are one!
Tom Pearson
Please view and send this link out as it explains our road hockey event, in a funny way! ha
You can expect also to see some pre-event coverage in all medias - print news - electronic - and tv as well.
In addition I will be finalizing the spots for the event program and poster by next week so those wishing to get in please let me know when I drop in next week or call to reserve as I expect the limited available spots to go fast.
Ad spots for the program cost $50 business card size and $100 gets your logo on the poster and front cover as well.
Sponsorships for the education award come in $500 blocks, while official tourney sponsorships are $1,000 and $5,000 the latter gets includes on site signage as well as prominence in all news and print media and could include some in-kind arrangements.
Funds raised for the event will pay performers, supplies, free food & hot chocolate for the kidsand some transportation as well as one youth wins a $1,000 education award. Excess funds beyond costs and schiolarship to Poverty Action for Change Coalition the affiliated event creator and steering-organizing group.The event has an informal 'pickup' game for parents/kids and as well all ages and includes entertainment including our own mock Don Cherry - Grapes fisher.
Tom Pearson
Reminder there is a PACC - roadhockey mostly - meeting Friday 12:30pm at Mulock village community hall on Maciver Blvd...planniing for event on Mainstreet ..and should we have an opening faceoff party the night before at a location downtown?..Im thinking yes...
Also..please check CBC radio tomorrow morning between 8:30 am and 9:30 am for our story featuring " the House of Hope"..our attempt to bring attention to the plight and lack of places for vulnerable people to live..great interviews with the guys..It will also air on TV - likely around 5 o'clock he'll let me know exactly and I'll let u know. CBC channel 6 for most..reporter Jermaine Hylton.
Game on!...Our Youth Road hockey event was okayed for Main St for Sat March 19 2011..!Last day of March break!
We must now get the word out to the youths to form teams!..and nominate the organizer for the mike Thornhill Award..
..and the mayor councilors for the " mayor/ council challenge
..and mom and dads to play in the pick up game against the kids!
..and anyone wanting to just play a pick up game
..and to any Entertainers who wish to perform at a "cafe" restaurant, or street location..for the event / cause!
I'll take care of sponsors ( we have a few already),event grant proposal, permits,ad sales, for the program, mayor contact etc...unless someone has someone in mind then let me know by all means!..
Organizing Meeting this Friday - Mulock Village community hall ( Maciver) 12:30 - 1:30 pm.If u can't make it but want to get involved us know.
Volunteers or youth team entries contact Kristine Carbis 905- 895
Tom Pearson
The Put Food inthe Budget Valentine's Day Card campaign for 2011. Everyone send out Valentines to your politicians starting at 11 am February 14th. Check out Put Food in the Budget web site for complete details.
PACC chairman Tom Pearson interviews father and son trapped in a homelessness cycle. This is a follow-up story that we have been projecting to the forefront of York region residents. The Era-Banner three part story first came out about a month ago and the response so far has been overwhelming.
Dear Editor,
For a column with such a catchy headline - "Research shows poor schools a concept worth trying", you'd think writer Moira Macdonald would have done some. Did she/they examine the "poor ' school experiment with "poor" kids already done right here in Canada / Toronto area after WW2? No need to study a U.S. model, as you can't get better than already having done it right here.
To quote someone who lived through the "poor" school experiment, " Of my peers at the camp school (this person was able to transfer) a few continued their education but most quit school at 16 and eventually found jobs.Some married young and many ended up in Regent Park." He further stated, rubbing elbows with middle class kids made him realize the importance of finishing high school. " I would have cringed in embarrassment as an adolescent if I had been recommended to attend the "poor school"( like proposed now).
...And what of the "research". There is no proof 'poor" kids in Canada move overly frequently once settled.In fact if they are lucky enough to find an affordable place they are apt to stay longer term. So make more affordable home options, but don't segregate their children.Some are hungry you say? Well then continue to add in-school lunch programs for all, no need to stigmatize to achieve that, and supporting live-able rates for minimum wage earners and stay at home parents might help as well. Invest in our education system by spending more time with kids with issues perhaps, but segregate them?
The writer needs to look beyond Toronto as well, as many towns and cities have schools commonly attended by all "classes". Ever heard the phrase, " If you you want to be a success hang around successful people?"..but when it comes to low income families' kids we suspend this?..Hmmm...
Niagara based their model on an American school model? No offense but we do not have the level of poverty here that the states allow and with a completely different social safety net system, nor does Canada have a pronounced " cycle of poverty" the writer so haphazardly uses as a throw-in buzz phrase before reaching her non-supported smug concluding statement meant to bolster her opinion that it's an experiment worth trying",
" All of this should be about what works for the students. Not what adults may find theologically offensive". She's right. Except as the actual proof above shows - based on actual usage in Canada and not theory - that stigmitization and segregation ends up being the result - not more university grads. No need to "experiment" with people's esteem again - or send her kids to it then if it's such a wonderful idea.
The only difference between the after WW2 school and today's prposal is that there was no white elephant in the room, as everyone knew then that they wanted to keep the "riff-raff" away from their kids...bad influences and all of course...and I wonder if that is playing a part here. I sure hope not. Beware the wolf in sheeps clothing.
Tom Pearson
Chairman, Poverty Action for Change Coalition
Newmarket Ont
Hey everyone,
Send cards out to your local, provincial and federal politicians.
Poverty Awareness Peaceful Action - Send Valentine's Day Cards
Sorry about the short reminder PACC meeting Thursday Feb 03 at 7pm at 351 Crowder ( North of Mulock Off Leslie) apt building behind Country Style the party room someone to let people in, refreshments..Community Hosts Neil / John.
Agenda includes:
Welcome / intros
Update put Food in the Budget campaign - next steps - possible action - Valentines - pick your politician and send away a loving message!
Introducing - new campaign - endorsed by Social Planning Network of Ontario - Poverty Free Ontario campaign
Update / next steps on "The House of Hope" - volunteers needed to visit potential building at Green lane on Friday
Talk2one phone message system for those without - FREE phone #'s/messaging 24/7..we have some to distribute!
Youth Road hockey tourney - what up? Downtown application results? steps.
New business