Road Hockey Challenge in jeopady

It looks like we may have to either postpone or - egads - cancel the annual free Friendly Neighbourhood Youth Road hockey Challenge for 2013 or at least post-pone it.

Well we had a little last minute expense to take care of namely some fencing that I know isn't in our budget.
Yea..$225 a foot cross over playing areas of roughly 100 feet.

Oops they just informed me it was a small overlook - it's actually $2.25 a sq foot. Big Diff!!

Frankly I'm tired of trying to have this event carried without any support from the town to help promote or fund it. Geez they had no problem dishing out to an unknown out of town outfit for an ice hockey event supposedly for the homeless. Us? We get fencing, insurance, and location woes starting from the time they developed the new Riverwalk Commons area where our costs suddenly almost doubled in a year.

I guess activities for kids don't mean enough to enough people anymore. Boy oh boy where did all our priorities go so wrong?

I'll keep you posted. But things look to be a go for Mar 16!

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