Replace York Region Chairman - you read it here first
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YRNG reports about York Region Council needing an elected Chairperson months after PACC urged action. |
Better yet take transit.
Speaking of cozy arrangements, am I the only one who finds it astoundingly outrageous that an organization purportedly selling products donated free, that most people think are used to build homes for people in need, instead spends over a million dollars in 2011 for "administration costs". Huh? Let me get this straight..they built exactly 0 homes in Newmarket, Aurora or Georgina in 2011 and incurred over $1,000,000 in expenditure costs? On What!? And now "need" to hire professional fundraisers too?
This U.S. based model corporate connected "charity's" usefulness has gone the way of the dinosaur I'm afraid as it doesn't fit our Canadian ideals or system and it stigmatizes those chosen - as they are expected to be the face in the media mouthing wonderful things about these wonderful people before and as they move in as part of the deal instead of with privacy and dignity - while at school the kids become the "habitat kids" and other labels which can lead to low self esteem and mental health issues.. Because they are vulnerable, the chosen families of course will go along with it all and who could blame them?
They also build so few homes and include numerous qualifying conditions that should not allow them to market themselves in their numerous commercials as providers of "affordable housing". It's a wonderful sounding buzz phrase, but a misleading one, as it is one usually reserved for real builders of "affordable housing" - in the dozens or hundreds at once - not one or two units per year as they typically might build - and then uses the very people they claim to want to help for publicity campaigns.
Well you can't have it both ways I'm afraid. Sure it helps a few people a year locally, but at what cost?
Habitat for Humanity York Region's future plans apparently include developing isolated ghetto-like properties by the sounds of it - a number of units per property - "because it makes fiscal sense" according to Habitat's E.D. Nancy Van Kessel - which goes against all the studies about building isolated low income housing projects. This is exactly what is wrong with charitable solutions often. Since when does fiscal sense trump accepted social housing policy? And since when does York Region in general care about actual fiscal sense anyway? I mean where was "fiscal sense" when York Region Council ordered destroyed a perfectly good shelter a few years back whilst almost simultaneously announcing plans to build a "much needed" single women's shelter?
So Why is H.F.H. seemingly exempt from procedure or scrutiny? Because they are a wonderful charity with great commercials that say they are great so they must be? Or perhaps because they are, as their head office corporate website says, a great brand partner worth 3.1 billion dollars, as much as Starbucks as they write? Corporate charity is not the solution for affordable housing woes in York Region - building units in the dozens or hundreds of units with government funds are what is needed or an alternative like PACC presented which was a private venture offering mixed income owned condos along with some affordable units that the company would qualify tenants to own who normally wouldn't - not some band-aid U.S. modeled feelgoodgroup confusing reality by sounding like they are "providing affordable housing" in York Region, when in actuality most who need affordable housing would not even qualify for a habitat house based on their eligibility requirements. They do a lot of advertising but little actual building anyway from my perspective, and even then it's with conditions for those lucky enough to have enough of the right disabilities, or fit the correct "culture" or 'mold" that they are looking for each time, as often seems to be the case. Smile for the camera!
It all reminds me of these "Champions" some groups trot out each year from various sources who praise the organizations and charities they've accessed up and down meantime behind the scenes they're often getting extras like jobs, food, fees, and free goodies that bribe them enough to be the media 'face". In one case the face of the family shelter one year got up and said how she'd been homeless with her kids in Toronto and ended up in our Y.R. shelters, then Y.R.'s assisted housing, and that she loved her new life and job and now volunteered in the community she loved. Awww it was a wonderful speech. Teared me up. She left out the part about having a husband when this all went down who had lived with her right up until that very day ( now years on from her dilemma) as best I knew, as she'd introduced me to him when she moved in and I'd seem him often around - but who wasn't anywhere to be seen or mentioned on this day - coming across like a distraught single mom who'd gone through terrible ordeal all alone. Oh and volunteering? She'd looked me in the eyes previously at her own community hall and said "Fuck em" when dropping out the week we were to put on a puppet show for the kids in her neighbourhood - because there weren't enough other volunteers she'd said. I appealed to her that some just couldn't make it that night, but she wasn't interested. To say I was stunned would have been an understatement. We never saw her back to help again as I suppose she was busy with her new "career". The 'career" she referred to her in her speech was given to her by housing not long after she was moved in - while many others should have been considered before her - as it was a (part-time) tenants position and many qualified residents had lived there a number of years before her arrival. Not bad for someone who went homeless in Toronto! I sat quietly throughout her speech, although I may have shaken my head a few times in disbelief but I wasn't going to spoil their party and besides the food was great ...and the tour wonderful and programs sounded just wonderful too! Ha!
Still, it's a sad state of affairs that vulnerable people are used to legitimize groups that upon further examination - including the recent social audit done on York Region - that many of these groups are failing and in some cases rewarded time and again for programs or services that are poorly run or useless or not user friendly. And it is them who seem always left out - the majority - the ones not the chosen "champions" - that we need to look out for because our society and especially York Region seems to prefer pretty stories instead of reality, and consequently keeps rewarding the same offenders with funds. I wonder if somewhere in here a conspiracy exists ....and the various boards with seemingly many of the same people involved is a good place to start.
You want a "Champion"- look no further than P.A.C.C.'s own Kristine Carbis who not only represents her community by sitting on a unique tenant reference group providing input to the Region to best manage housing tenant issues but has also tirelessly (and quietly) volunteered in her community (association) for years and is the one distributing food and goods to those in need, organizing her community events and Christmas Parties, connecting people to resources and schools, assisting with numerous projects to help end the affects of poverty in her community such as sitting for several years on the board for a P.A.C.C. assisted group we helped start - Operation Sparrow - which provides low income kids access to recreation and transportation at no cost, as well as assist the Put the Food in The Budget Campaign, Do the Math campaign, the P.A.C.C. hosted I.S.A.R.C.(York Region) Social Audit, Oct 17 Int Day for the Eradication of Poverty, and the annual Friendly Neighbourhood Youth Roadhockey Challenge she also helps organize both with P.A.C.C. and within her community to make sure a team is formed and everyone can get there. Currently she is quietly presenting to the Y.R. District School Board people to help them better understand dignified approaches to dealing with those who come from lower income homes' and why seemingly simple assignments might be an issue for others - such as access to libraries, computers, printers, embarrassment and such. And she's done so the last few years with use of a cane, then scooter, due to her deteriorating physical condition. Her biggest regret? Not getting chosen to be on the York Region Disabilities Committee - another controlled YR entity. She wasn't given a reason why not. Probably because she'd speak her mind for the rights of everyone and not quietly vote yes to everything without question.
Now there's a real champion.
Don't forget to vote for PACC's finalist video One Paycheck Away before Jan 20!
Tom Pearson Out!!
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