Updates and stuff
PFO launch was very informational
Poverty Free Ontario had its launch in Toronto this past May 5 with much success.Representatives from various organizations from across Ontario attended to hear what this coalition of voices will focus on.PACC members like Kristine Carbis (Vice-Chair) pictured here as well as Yvonne Kelly from the YR Food Network attended the launch...Here is the mission - build cross community support make poverty an issue for provincial election Create a public awareness campaign around the roles and responsibilities of Ontario Gov for ending poverty.
Here is a poem we started the day with read from the author John Palmer of Sudbury;
In this country, the poorest don't starve,
They starve awhile get ill,
Eat awhile, Almost get healthy,
Then starve a while again, then get sicker,
Then eat awhile, get a little energy,
then get hungry and go through it all again and again and again.
Some staggering facts that came to my attention...
The poverty-line in Ontario based on the LIM-AT gauge is $18, 582 per year. A Single adult on OW gets $7, 352 Year in 2004 60% of parents were employed making insufficient funds to live above poverty.
This Province has made no strides forward in reducing poverty in 30 years now. A 2010 UK study has found that levels of education did not predict labour market fortunes.Contrary to popular beliefs, regardless of education the sorts of work available often keep people in - not lift them out - of poverty..
This means the jobs are not paying out enough to survive on above poverty..Hmmm..well that can't be ...can it?...and what is poverty anyway in Canada? With no official poverty line and no poverty reduction strategy this country really has a lot of growing to do...it's called sharing..remember that one from kindergarten people? Good.
Phase 1 of the Poverty Free Ontario mandate includes adopting that no person shall live below 80% of the LIM-AT poverty gauge and eradicating - not reducing - poverty..words you can live by.
Tom out
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Thank you for caring about York Region's most vulnerable residents.