Homeless Family Upcoming Initiatives
Congrats! York Region officially received the PACC hosted social audit, Behind the Masks, to be used / sent to all municipalities for use as well as appropriate provincial bodies/ministers. They also agreed to adopt it's recomendations - including the $100 healthy food supplement thanks to you all supporting it! You can access a copy at http://www.povertyacc.com/
An update - Homeless father son - Father Edward started work full time last monday - through someone PACC places guys with occasionally not these non-existent newspaper written job offers( solar panel was courses not jobs , no phone #'s Tim hortons owner, and rest were future job offers) the newspapers wrote of - and well over minimum wage as well1..He is elated to be part of life/society/community again and although his son still has no home (all offers for Damien were out of town( newmarket hi home) or temporary solutions, or would not sign rental agreement). Dad can now realistically rent an apartment( if available) so they can live there together like they want!..And from there hopefully lead a normal life again thanks to you all! They are also very grateful... and stay tuned for an event to say thanks to everyone!
PACC Chair Tom Pearson and V.C. Kristine Carbis, as well as YR Food Network's Programs Coordinator Yvonne Kelly represented York Region at the provincial " Put the Food in the Budget' campaign all day strategy session last Friday in Toronto.The sessions looked at short and long-term next steps and also featured workshops including one by myself focusing on maximizing your media as well as other fine-tune strategic focused workshops.
Some "next steps"ideas for PFIB seemed pre-approved - such as a campaign that would involve sending valentines to those politicians (primary (Mcguinty etc and secondary provincial targets) directly related to the future upcoming elections that include a message on it. This, like the " eat the poverty diet" execise that " Do the Math" evolved to, have both been done before however there seemed some support for such a " stunt". Valentines anyone!?
Also discussed was the emergence of a new poverty reduction campaign, a Social Planning Network of Ontario (a supporter/booster of PFIB) initiative called Poverty Free Ontario, so stay tuned for more!..Meantime enjoy this powerful pictorial laid to the music provided by fundraiser Seagully for the recent event. It is very powerful. Enjoy.
Tom Pearson
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Thank you for caring about York Region's most vulnerable residents.