YRT York Region Mobility Transit
A couple of reminders..
There is a public-input information session tonight for mobility transit (YRT) at the Newmarket Town offices on Mulock Drive at 7PM should anyone like to come out in support of voicing for changes. Dan & Ashley (both use wheeltrans) are most interested however currently busy fighting for the right to their new-born child, so it helps to have support...I will be there and Kristine and anyone else is welcome...
Also a reminder to everyone to sign the standup pledge against poverty this Fri., Sat. or Sunday.
You can do so at one of our community posts( meeting 6:30 - 7) 7pm - 7:30 pm Fairy lake Park ( pavilion) in Newmarket or Sat at Newmarket Farmers Market (booth) 9AM - 1:30 PM
or hold your own stand-up event up till Sunday!...or you can also sign the pledge online at www.makepovertyhistory.ca/standup
Let's set another world record for those standing at once against poverty!
Tom Pearson
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