Income Support Special Diet Changes

Please be advised that social services has apparently had a procedural change (this must be that "transparency" I heard tell about ha) regarding special diet wherein the worker used to send out the forms and information to clients on special diet reminding them that to continue they had to fill out the forms because their eligibility date was approaching - they have stopped this reminder routine without notice. In this case I believe a 'review" was twice yearly, and when she had not sent in the information (that she usually received in the past from social services in advance in the mail) she was cut off the diet without warning. Should you be on special diet I'd suggest you check your dates so you are not just cut off without warning.

Instead they just send you sent a cheque without the diet on it (in this case over $160 for a single parent with 2 small kids) and make you start the process of application from scratch and expect people to deal with the unaccounted income without notice and next they are eliminating it completely (they - your provincial government that is - claim to be realigning it but have stated it is not 'sustainable") ... this seems to be a great way to get people off the diet en-mass now and show them saving $ (by simply changing the routine in procedure) which they likely will say was done before as a courtesy and that it's not mandated that they do so - again is the message they are delivering about about caring and helping people here or finding ways to................

The next Do The Math YR meeting is July 21st..510 Penrose St in Newmarket 1:30 PM ..learn of a possible plan to help fight this ....

Tom Out!

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