Belinda's Army - Belinda Place Shelter to be run by Salvation Army

It also tells me their committee or board has no grass roots input whatsoever or are far removed from it - certainly none representing those in poverty because none of them would ever agree to a Salvation Army or any Church run shelter from past experience dealing with them, and as well, having any particular Christian based denomination religion outfit dish out care, instead of accountable professionals, is never wise and could be exclusive to certain religious women in need.
Now this woman is grass roots knowledgeable and stayed in shelters in Ontario recently,
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York Region male's shelter day program |

Yes, folks, what we have here is a willingness to belittle and obfuscate other people's lives. Fellow citizens, people anyone of us may have lived beside or shared a sand box with, is willing to kill me or you, by the slowest and most torturous method they can - homelessness!
Recently the provincial government split the portfolios for the women and children's shelters from the men's shelters. Why? The division of data makes it harder to know the whole truth, is one reason.
I saw a fifth building with Salvation Army's logo, and wonder how much money Ontario funnels to them, too. The other night I was able to speak with one of the male residents in the local men's shelter. He told me he pays $640 a month for a room and board. He also said they shut down the detox section of the building, and he's worried they'll shut the whole shelter down." Poetryontv ( woman shelter user)
So whatever happened to accountable York Region Housing's Blue Doors Shelters running it?

Excerpts from the 2010 social audit, prior to the new women's shelter build decision:
Men make up the majority of long term homeless, yet
account for a low percentage of all available
emergency shelter beds in York Region. The only year
round men’s shelter is Porter Place with 25 beds.
Men are routinely steered away to other shelters in
other areas such as Barrie and Toronto. There is
currently no transitional housing for homeless men
in York Region. A new women’s shelter adding 40
beds to the stock including some transitional hous-
ing is proposed for the near future but there is
nothing to address this dilemma with the men.
“When I was staying in Shelters I notice there was
a lack of recovery and lack of self improvement
Male in Newmarket, Behind The Masks, Y.R. Social AuditI could go back even further to before they built the family shelter (btw they accept women too), which at the time, I reported they already had an existing building suitable to use, but the Region still tore it down citing a construction company report deeming it " too old" and that the foundation couldn't be fixed, yet the men's Porter Place Shelter, which is much older, was deemed fine? They then built a family shelter on the same property nearby. More $.

Heck, the mayor of Newmarket ran the his election on it's coat tails quoting the misinformation at every opportunity he could, yet I noticed this past several International Days for the Eradication of Poverty events he couldn't make it - but could make a same day grand opening for a car dealership. At least he's open about what he is. I can almost respect that.
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Homeless home eerily still in place after John Fletchers death |
What happened to this being a special place with programs and the like designed by the Belinda's Place think tank..and what of all that wonderful collaboration talk we heard about as this was being sold on us all?
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A former Newmarket Golden Gloves Boxer died still living here |
Here's a link to the video Behind, Behind The Masks, showing our politicians and workers are / were working towards making things better.Who knows, maybe they'll get on track yet!
Now we'll wait and see who 'champions" a shelter for men so they don't continue to have to be shipped out away from their families and support services if any and die young or homeless.. Although word up on the street is that Porter Place for Men, YR's only full time men's hostel, recently brought someone in who cares and is making a difference. Of course that's not anywhere near as trendy a sell as women's programs, nor is what is actually needed - which is affordable housing for all.
PACCMan out